Archive | January, 2009

austin day 1

31 Jan

traveled to austin today. not a bad drive at all…it took us a little over four hours. the girls were amazing. all day long, they did so good! they watched videos, had snacks, listened to music, and even took a nap on the way. it was great! we went straight to cayden’s bday party at a park by aaron & jamie’s house. addi & kam had a blast playing on the slide. i was shocked that kam went down this slide all by herself…what a dare devil! she went so fast, the wind blew her hair back…



we drove around and looked at a few rent houses after the party in round rock. we will look inside a few on monday afternoon, just to see what we can get for the money in this area. tonight, my brother kelly took us out to eat catfish which was yummy. now we are back at kelly’s house and the girls are in bed. they even went to bed easy. such sweet babies! they really did so awesome today, which makes trips soooo much better for mommy & daddy. 🙂


31 Jan

its 8:30 and we are about to load up the minivan & head to central texas…the great city of austin! we are going down to explore the area, hang with family & friends, meet with some people, make some contacts and attend a job fair. stay tuned!

curlers & a 2 year old

29 Jan

my mom bought addison some curlers to try. the kind that you put in their hair while its wet & let it dry. you roll it up and two pieces fold down to hold it in place. pretty easy and it actually worked a little! addi left them on all for about 47 seconds before starting to pull them off…there was actually some curl, but it fell out pretty quickly. her hair is so straight & fine, like her daddy’s! she sure did look cute. she is quite the prissy little girl! she also loves to have her finger nails and toe nails painted. what a doll…




28 Jan

do you just have days where it seems like from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed, everything goes wrong? yesterday was like that for me. a lot of little things add up to one big melt down. last night, it seems that i was in tears most of the night. for no particular reason…i was just upset, angry, sad, and frustrated all at once. i cried for like two hours straight…couldn’t stop. does this ever happen to anyone else or am i just a freak?

burgers, house, and slide fun

26 Jan

ryan makes & grills the best burgers ever. seriously, they are amazing. beats any burger you can buy at any restaurant, hands down. thick, crunchy on the outside & juicy on the inside and so flavorful. i keep telling him he needs to enter in to a food network burger contest! here’s a pic of one from the other night…YUM!


here are a few shots of our temporary living establishment here at my sisters. we are settled in now. all we have left to do is clean up our old house before closing on wednesday afternoon!

ryan & i’s room (don’t mind the laundy on the bed!)


the girls little room that they SHARE! how cute is that? they actually slept all through the night last night…


the living room…


recently, as part of our nightly routine after baths, we have a dance party & play on the slide the girls got for christmas. addi and kamryn have SO much fun on this slide…kam even crawls up the ladder & goes down it all by herself now too! here are a few pics & a video of our sweet angels…




enjoy the video!

moving phase 1

25 Jan

so today, we moved all of our stuff into my sister’s house & three-car garage (which now is only a one-car garage thanks to all of our stuff!). busy, long, and tiresome day but we are moved out of our old house & now temporarily here at jen’s. we have just a few more items left to get on lake drive and we have to clean….we close on wednesday afternoon. the girls are sharing a room here, which will be interesting! tonight has gone surprisingly well so far. we put them to bed & after a little consoling, tears, and prayers we finally got them both to settle down and all is quiet as of now. we’ll see how long it lasts! they are not used to being in the same room…so we’ll see. ryan & i have a huge nice master suite here. its a nice house, so we will enjoy the time we have here for sure. we are definitely thankful to jen for letting us crash here! we have applied to what seems like hundreds of jobs. ryan & i both feel like something good is going to happen soon…maybe after our house closes everything will start to fall into place? maybe we’ll get a call back on a job this week? maybe it will be in austin? maybe dallas? maybe tyler? maybe new york city? (just kidding mom) the not-knowing who, what, when, where or how is crazy, stressful, and trying…but at the same time, its very exciting! our life is literally not in our hands….it really never has been, but it truly feels now more than ever that it is all in God’s control. so that is extremely comforting. knowing that He knows our situation and He sees how hard we are trying & seeking…so we know that what happens tomorrow is what He wants to happen and is part of the plan. please continue to lift up the dixon’s in your prayers this week, if you don’t mind! we are very hopeful to hear some news VERY soon and have some direction VERY soon! how exciting! i’ll try to take some pics of our temporary digs & post them tomorrow.

the domino effect

23 Jan


kamryn got a cold earlier this week. poor baby has been coughing with a snotty nose all week. babies with a cold, do not sleep well…so we have not been getting much sleep this week at all! two days after kam got sick, addison’s nose started running…she had a low grade fever that night and was sneezing a ton. i hate it when my babies are sick! its so heartbreaking. by wednesday night, my throat started hurting and by the next day, i had a full fledged cold too. yuck. its friday now, and ryan woke up this morning with a congested head and a sore throat. boo! we are moving out of our house this weekend so hopefully we can all beat this quickly because we have a lot of work to do.


18 Jan

yep, you read the subject right…13.1 is the amount of miles i ran today. woohoo! it was great. weather: 62 degrees. music on my ipod: anberlin-cities, incubus-make yourself, jack’s mannequin-the glass passenger, basshunter-now you’re gone. shoes: saucony hurricanes. it was really a great, enjoyable run…until about mile 11 and then i got super tired and had to really push myself the last 2.1. ryan ran 13.1 earlier in the day, so him accomplishing it gave me motivation to do it too! glad to know we can still do a half marathon. this is the first time i’ve ran that far since san francisco last august!

proud mommy

18 Jan

ok, time to brag on my first born! addison is really such a smart, sweet-hearted little girl. wow, its weird to say little girl and not baby…but its true, she’s growing up so fast. i know i’ve said this before on this blog, but she really amazes us daily. her vocabulary is awesome for a 2 year old. she speaks in full sentences, has a memory like no other, and makes jokes that honestly are funny! the girl loves music and can remember lyrics to songs sometimes better than i can. the dr. told us that she has a vocabulary like a 4 year old! here are just a few phrases that she says lately that really crack us up:

“sure momma sure” (whenever you ask her if she wants something, like juice)

“absolutely!” (learned this from aunt jen)

“that’s the bomb dot com” (when she’s eating something she thinks is tasty) 

“that’s going to be wonderful” 

“hello love!” (thanks cody)

“OMG daddy!” (such a tween already!)

“hi precious” (she said this just a few days ago to kamryn & it was so sweet)

“you’re funny” or “that’s super silly” 

“i’m so glad to see you!” 

“did you have a good running?” (after me or ryan get back from a run)

addi is so much fun. there is never a dull moment with her around that’s for sure! and add kamryn into that mix & our house is crazy unless its nap time or after 7:30 pm. 🙂

here is a pic that was taken in my parent’s backyard. proud of my beautiful big girl!!!


along our running route here in the woods…

17 Jan

one of the coolest parts of living in this part of texas has been the beautiful scenery for running. tall pine trees, private ponds, hills, and very little traffic makes for a peaceful and enjoyable run. sure beats the square residential street routes in lubbock! we can easily get in a ten miler here without back-tracking or relentless loops, which is nice. i have wanted to take pics of this for a while and share with you all the views we get to enjoy from the road…









