Archive | June, 2009

weekend overload.

28 Jun

wow, what an eventful weekend. let me break it down for you with good ole bullet points…

  • friday afternoon, i got to leave work early for what they call “board meeting.”  once a quarter they have these & basically its just a time to hang out away from the office. we had pizza at the office and then headed out to fire mountain amusement park & did bumper boats, go-carts, & arcade games. had a blast! i am really loving my job.
  • friday night, we had a guy come over to “fix” our broken garage door. he stopped by one night & said he knew exactly what was wrong b/c the same thing happened to his, so we thought we’d give him a chance. lets just say he didn’t fix it & in fact only made it worse & the garage door ended up falling completely off on ryan. he left and said he’d be right back….never showed. nice. looks like we will be calling overhead door to come out and have it really fixed next week.
  • saturday morning, we had a big garage sale. trying to get rid of a lot of stuff we don’t need prior to our move. it was a success! it was SO stinkin hot…i was drained at the end of the day. but it was totally worth it.
  • saturday evening we had my 2 cousins & their families over for a bbq. food was awesome thanks to my cute hubby. however, the night ended horribly when little lulu, jen’s dog, broke her leg…so we ended up at the animal clinic until almost 10 pm. poor baby, the bone broke completely in half and now she’s wearing a stint for 6 weeks. she’s such a sweet little dog. jen got her at the same place we got bailey over 6 years ago. hoping her little leg heals well over the next few weeks.  😦


  • sunday morning, we got up and ran. i did 6 miles and ryan did 13.1. i’m hoping to do my 13 next weekend! we have one month until san fran & i have got to up my mileage! i did 10 a couple of weekends ago, 9 last weekend…so i think i can do it. i was just tired today & my tummy was hurting the whole time. was proud of ryan for making the full 13 today though! he’s just pretty dang awesome.
  • had lunch at mom & dad’s today and then just chilled. we watched the movie seven pounds. still haven’t figured out if i liked it. it had my attention at the beginning, but then got really slow…then the end was interesting. i felt so solemn afterwards…one of those movies i wouldn’t choose to watch again for fun, that’s for sure. will smith is a great actor in my opinion.
  • jen went to san diego this weekend, so she wasn’t home at all…we miss her! she’s part of our family and we don’t like it when she’s not here for our weekend dinners and family days.
  • tonight, we had ice cream cones as a reward for a good potty training day. addi & kam are just too much fun…i love my family more than words!






coming up this week…

  • we are getting the keys to our house in tyler THIS coming friday & we could not be more excited! we will slowly start moving in & hope to be all settled by the weekend of the 10th. yay!!! our house is right across from a beautiful park that will be so nice to take the girls & pups to. we are so excited to begin our life in tyler and get involved in the community there! oh, and another bonus…jen will only be 15 minutes from the airport…no more driving all the way to dallas every time she has to fly out.
  • short work week this week. off on friday for july 4th weekend!
  • i guess that’s it for now. sorry for the long post…a lot going on! hope you all have a great week!

need some new music?

25 Jun

Ryan’s cousin, Aaron Ivey, released his new CD this week & it ROCKS!!! Seriously awesome…check it out.


the greek gods

23 Jun

ok, if you like yogurt, you must get in your car, drive to the nearest health food store and purchase this. its called the greek gods yogurt, traditional honey-flavored. my sis, jen, bought some a couple of weeks back & got me addicted. it is so thick, creamy & yummy!  you feel as though you are being naughty and having dessert instead of healthy yogurt! throw a little granola on top and wow…its my new favorite pre-run/post-run/breakfast/late night snack. for those of you who live in the area, you can find it at the granary in lindale. TASTY!


Change it up!

22 Jun

I read Kristin Armstrong’s blog regularly…she is a great writer and an inspiration to me as a runner. Here is a clip from something she posted this weekend that I found to be very moving & challenging, thought i’d share…

We parent the same way and expect more from our kids.  We put the same old energy into our marriage and expect it to be more fulfilling.  Or if we’re single, we continue in our same old routine and wonder why we never meet anyone new.  We work the same hours doing the same things and thinking the same thoughts and wonder why we aren’t promoted. We go to the same places all the time and expect to be inspired.  We eat the same things and wonder why we weigh the same and have the same lack of energy.  We read, watch, and listen to the same kinds of things and wonder why we don’t feel more creative.  We do the same activities all the time and wonder why they aren’t as fun.  We get mad or frustrated by the same stuff and the same people, without ever concluding that perhaps we are the common denominator in that equation.  We do the same workout, run the same routes, and wonder why we are stuck in a fitness and morale plateau. We live and love and give in the same way and wonder why we never grow.

Do you see traces of this in your life?  I know I do. If we recognize it, maybe that is the first step toward stepping out?  Maybe it’s time to change it up, people.

Do the same thing you have always done and get the same things you have always gotten.

happy daddy’s day

21 Jun

my girls with their awesome daddy…


me with my awesome daddy…


I am so thankful to have such a GREAT father and I am thankful to have such an amazing husband that is also such a GREAT father! I am super blessed.


become a fan!

19 Jun

ok friends, if you are on facebook, you should become a fan of cue:creative. it’s the marketing & advertising firm i work for & i will be taking over their facebook page and posting updates. part of my job description is “social media stewardess”…so let the social media networking begin. happy friday!


13 Jun

ok, i know i’ve been m.i.a. from blogworld for a while, but life has been crazy! here are a few updates for you…

– we are moving to tyler! we found house today and LOVE it. it was built in 1949 and we will be the third people to live in it since then. it has recently been completely redone and updated…it has a ton of character & we are pumped about living there. its seriously like 5 minutes from my work, 2 minutes from ryan’s work…quite the change from driving an hour each way. we are moving there mid-july…i will take pics once we get settled!

– we are in the process of finding a daycare in tyler for the girls…we have two on the list that both have openings, so hopefully we can nail this down next week as well. one is right down the street from the house and very close to our works, so hopefully that one will work out!

– i am LOVING my new job…absolutely loving it. sorry jessica & vicki…i know you guys have been waiting to hear! man, time to blog has been scarce lately. the people at cue creative are great and i’m doing what i’ve always wanted to do in my career, so i’m super happy about it. plus, a perk (kind of nerdy, but so what)…i have a mac on my desk! if you are mac person, you understand how exciting this is. 

– ryan’s job is going great as well and he’s enjoying it. plus, he looks really hot in his tjc polos.  😉

– kamryn poo poo’d on the potty last night for the first time and she initiated it! those of you w/2 kids…is the 2nd one easier to potty train? i was shocked last night when she stood up in the bath tub, said “poo poo”, we put her on the potty and she went! it was so cute…


– ran 10 miles this morning, so training for the 1/2 marathon is coming right along. its so hard to run when its hot outside…i struggle to run more so in the summer, than the winter. good news for us is that san fran summers are cold!

– ok, that’s all i have right now…off to eat fajitas! have a great weekend!

update on the career front

6 Jun

check it out…this is where i begin work on monday! i am SO very excited. i’ve always wanted to work at an ad agency, so i am super pumped. this opportunity literally fell into my lap last week and it is pretty amazing how it all worked out…definitely a God thing.

little jeffrey blake graduates!

6 Jun


its so odd to watch your baby brother walk across the stage to accept his diploma! makes me feel old. i can only imagine how it makes kelly & jen feel…or mom & dad for that matter! i remember when he was just a bitty baby…i was 10 when he was born, so to me, i had a real-life baby doll! i am truly so proud of jeff…he is such a good kid & i know his future holds great things. love you baby bro! glad you are staying close to go to college!
