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your ai fav?

1 Apr

ok, i have to admit something…this is actually the first season of american idol that we’ve watched every episode of & actually cared about. i know, i know…this is the 8th season & we are just now getting into it…and we are SO into it now, we look forward to it every week! as of now, my 2 fav’s are kris & danny. i really think allison, megan & lil are awesome singers too, but the last few rounds haven’t been so hot for them. oh, and adam is already a star! if you are an ai fan, who are you rooting for this season???

poll: 24?

9 Feb


i’m curious…who out there is as obsessed with the show 24 as we are?  


tonight…8 pm central, fox-hd. 

austin day 4

3 Feb

today, i met with a recruiter at a career consulting place in austin. she took all my information, my preferences on jobs & salary, etc and will be on the look out for a good job match for me. kind of nice to have someone look for jobs for you! we went and looked at a few more houses this afternoon & that is about it for today. going to a job fair tomorrow at a hotel downtown…so we’ll see how that goes. then, we’re heading back to east texas. its been a productive trip, just very tiring. this kind of stuff is exciting, but exhausting! on a different note, we watched the office last night (the one-hour super bowl special) and it was classic! so stinkin hilarious…love that show. if you missed it & could use a good laugh, you should go definitely go watch it here.

steakhouse steak, sauteed mushrooms, and cornmeal-fried onion rings

13 Jan


yes, this is what my husband cooked me for dinner last night & yes, it was amazing!!! we watched this last weekend and he decided to try it out. lucky me! 🙂


26 Nov

ryan & i dvr’d the 24:redemption 2 hour special the other night & we just got around to watching it last night after we put the girls to bed. man i miss this show! i can not wait for the new season to start back up in january…its been way too long. our friends danny & ashley got us hooked on this show. one night, at their house, they said we needed to watch one episode. so we watched the first episode of season 1 and we were soooo hooked…we borrowed the whole season from them & watched all of it. then over the next few months, we rented or borrowed other seasons to get caught up…we watched them obsessively. like at least one or two a night for a while! ryan’s brother ross can attest to this. he visited for like two weeks one time in lubbock & he was drug into our addiction. we love it! action-packed, nail-biting, butt-kicking, good times! jack bauer rocks.